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For those folks out there who would like to increase their aerobic activity, a stationary bike is a wonderful next step. If the previous workout was walking, there will be a large increase noticed in the lung capacity, endurance and fat loss compared to the slower and easier walking workout. The muscles that benefit most from riding an exercise bike are those in the buttock, thigh and calf area. An upright bike also tones the abdomen muscles and tones up the arms and shoulders. The aerobic activity will help strip away the fat to expose the newly toned muscles.

When choosing the stationary exercise bike that is right for you, consider the benefits of each type. Upright exercise bikes are the most common types. They are used just like a bike meant for the outdoors, and rely on the same muscles as an outdoor bike. You can also buy a tool that converts your current outdoor bike into an indoor bike. Recumbent bikes are not seen as frequently but they have their devotees. This type of bike is something to consider for those who are very overweight or for some other reason must keep stress off of their knees or wrists.

Both types of exercise bike uses the large muscle groups in the legs and increase lung capacity. Both are intended to burn fat and increase overall fitness. One benefit to buying a computerized model of either type is the preprogrammed routines. Some believe that these are as good as having a personal trainer and will work you harder than taking a ride outside.

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